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rateit.cool - Get informed for your buyingsrateit.cool shows you the product reviews of other customers. This supports you in your buying decision.
ScanScan the barcode and read reviews from other customers.
The rateit.cool App shows the following- Title- Rating: 1-5 stars- Summ of all ratings (in parentheses)- Images- Feedbacks and reviews
You can also evaluate the product, recommend it, or upload a photo.
Rate productsReview products that you really like, are displeased or okay. Maybe the price is good or there is one feature you use very often. Write your opinion for other users and support them in their choices.
Upload a photoYou can take a photo of your favorite pieces, Flops or purchases and upload them.
HistoryYou find all scanned products your history. Swipe left and you can add them to your Favorites.
FavoritesSave your favorite products.
rateit.cool provides you with independent information about products from other customers. Read the reviews and find out something about the quality, the best areas of use or compatibility with other products. Hundreds or thousands of reviews give you the good feeling to buy the right product.Share your opinion of the product and give a testimonial. Other users will thank you!
The rateit.cool App contains no ads!